When I'm not daydreaming, I think about design all the time.
Me in India. Note missing front teeth.
My design background began when I was five years old. I was introduced to those magic tools known as Lego. Three years later, during the whole original Star Wars era, my mother cruelly refused to buy me an X-wing fighter, so I built my own from Lego (this was well before Lego came out with its own versions of Star Wars merchandise). Yes, I was the traumatized little boy in the corner of the playground holding the multi-coloured Lego X-wing fighter. However, this did teach me an important lesson: you don't have to follow the instructions that come with the box. My X-wing fighter was soon followed by Lego versions of my favourite guns, airplanes, an exact replica of the house that we lived in at the time, and the Sphinx. On my Sphinx the nose was complete.
Our house in Islamabad. In this very garden a mischievous gardener grew far too many poppies and harvested them for drug use.
In Belgium with my Dad. He gave me my first motorbike and taught me how to drive... when I was eleven.
Throughout the course of my life, I have been
fortunate to live in six different countries and have visited countless
others. Here’s a quick summary:
In England I attended boarding school, which was just like
Hogwarts, except without the magic and the great food. Some of
the teachers were just as eccentric. In Pakistan, unbeknownst to my
naïve parents, our gardener grew poppies and cultivated them for drug use.
This was gently pointed out to my mother by some graceful guests at
a garden party. In Mauritania (northwest Africa), I witnessed clouds
of locusts so vast and thick that they would blot out the sun altogether
and turn daylight into dusk. These insects like warm places, so we would
walk out of the house to see every inch of the car covered in basking
locusts. In Belgium, erm, nothing much happened. I do remember the chocolate
being good. In America, I once hung off the balcony of a 25th floor
apartment just to see what it would feel like. In Korea the army made me
walk into a small cement hut and wrenched my gas mask off to breath in
unspecified gas. It felt like being bathed in raw wasabi from the inside
out. If I ever make an autobiography it would be in the form of a video game,
so people could ‘play’ my life and hopefully avoid the mistakes that I made.
Boarding school in England. Like Hogwarts but without the magic and the good food. Where's Waldo?
Mauritania, in northwest Africa. I am on the right. During the plague every inch of that car would be covered in locusts basking in the heat. Also, I bring 'hammer pants' to Africa.
These are some of my interests outside of my career. There is nothing that does not interest me, with the exception of accounting. I find accounting quite boring. I have a respectable record collection. I have ridden a motorbike in seven different countries and snowboarded in three. I have received my advanced open water diver’s license. I have begun learning how to fly. I love to build things with my hands, sometimes miniature,sometimes large. I have an unhealthy obsession for cars and motorcycles, usually older ones’ which can be bought cheap and improved easily. I play a decent game of pool. I have also read many, many books and can even remember some of them. I draw a lot, and like to write. I’m an avid talker and slowly, I am learning to listen as well. I have a 13 year-old cocker spaniel called Huxley. I still play with Lego. I floss daily.
Two years of mandatory military service. One of the rare moments when I'm not cleaning a toilet.
I’m not a big fan of television, but if there were a show that combined Top Gear and Spartacus, I’d watch it all the time. My goal in life is to host a version of Top Gear about design. And to be on the cover of Wired Magazine more than once. I also have a bucket list of ten things I need to design before I die.
For my birthday in 2011 I treat myself on a pilgrimage to the Holy Trinity: Ducati, Ferrari and Lamborghini.